※Please read the following information, program and what we do there in advance so you can be there at the right time. Sometimes, the people who don't know the program well, they miss one of the most exciting part of event, such as games for kids, live music and food tasting and so on. We strongly recommend that you read the program so you won't miss any fun activities!
English follows Japanese;
集合場所:服部緑地公園 谷あいのはらっぱ 第四駐車場に近い遊具前に集合
〒561-0873 豊中市服部緑地1-1
最寄駅:地下鉄御堂筋線 緑地公園駅
保護者様とお子様の氏名(読み仮名もお願いします)、お子様の年齢・学年、どの時間を参加希望かをご記入の上、info.yumenoki@gmail.com にメール下さい。
「えいごで遊ぼう!」(参加費 1家族ご兄弟何人でもまとめて1500円)
10:00~10:50ごろ えいごで遊ぼう!英語で歌ったりゲームしたりのアクティビティ
「Kids Bossa Live」(無料)
11:30~12:00ごろ ブラジル出身のプロミュージシャンによるサンバ・ボサノバ演奏
cris maisatto band
仲良しグループでBBQをしたり、ピクニックをしたり、お友達と一緒に楽しいプランを立てて、そのまま楽しいSunday afternoonをお過ごしください。
11:00~12:30ごろ 食券係から購入した食券で、どうぞ各国料理をお楽しみ下さい♡
We will hold our multinational Spring kids activities in Hattori Ryokuchu Park as follows.
Hattori Ryokuchi Park is a beautiful picnic site with some exciting playgrounds for kids located in the north of Osaka,
3 stations north from Shin-Osaka station on Midosuji Line .
It is an ideal place for enjoying picnics.
The activities are planned for both adults and kids. The main aims are;
If you like such an atmosphere, please come and join us! You can bring your friends as well!
Date:Sunday, 24th of May, 2015
If we have to cancel or postpone the event because of bad weather, we'll announce all the attendees by email or facebook message at around 7:00 a.m. on the day.
Location : "Taniai no harappa" (means ground down the valley) of Hattori Ryokuchi Park
〒561-0873 豊中市服部緑地1-1
Where to find us : In front of the play ground near parking No.4(第四駐車場).
Please see the following map.
The participation fee will be collected on the day. Fees vary depending on what activities you join. Please refer to the fees in the following program.
How to apply: Please send an email to info.yumenoki@gmail.com and tell us your and your
kids name, the age of your children and what activity you will join.
Registration Deadline: Saturday 16th of May, 2015
- Program -
-English Activities For Kids-
Participation fee: 1,500 yen per 1 family
Jean-Yves from Canada, Walter from Kenya and Kendyl from New Zealand will make fun English activities including singing and dancing, playing games and more!
It's like what we do in kindergartens overseas.
9:00 - 10:00 Please pay the participation fee and receive bibs according to the number
of your kids. Please return the bibs after this English activities.
10:00 - 10:50 Kids English Activities
-Kids Bossa Live-
11:30-around 12:00
Music charge : Free
Enjoy some Brazilian music!
Musician : Cris & Edison. Parents of 4-year old girl.
Please enjoy your time in the afternoon!
You can bring picnic lunch there and enjoy with your friends or people you meet there!
You can bring BBQ sets and cook up a storm! BBQ are allowed on the premises.
-Multinational food tasting-
11:00- 12:30
Please buy a ticket (Yumenoki's original currency; Yumenoki Dollar) at site to get some food!
You may enjoy some multinational food!